Our last Charity Sunday on 17th July
On Sunday 17th July 2022 we had a presentation from Neil from Bedford Foodbank. We raised £350
Lidlington Church Mens Breakfast
On 21st September the first Lidlington Church Mens Breakfast took place at The Green Man in Lidlington.
Creative Art Extravaganza!
A wonderful summer holiday Creative Art Extravaganza was held in the Church Hall on 7th August 2024.
So much talent and fun was had by all!
With thanks to the parents who have kindly allowed us to share these photographs.
The Lidlington Church Lunch Club invite you to a Cream Tea.
There is something for everyone so please come and join us if you can!
Cafe Church 28th April 2024 with Compassion UK
This past Sunday Lidlington Church welcomed Grahame from Compassion UK to speak to us at Cafe Church in the hall. We all shared lovely bacon and sausage rolls, thanks to Sian and the team, along with friendship and laughter. Two more children from Compassion UK were also sponsored.
Compassion UK is a charity that links children living in extreme poverty across 29 countries with sponsors who will support the child through every area of their lives to adulthood. Lidlington Church and its members together support 9 children.
Easter 2024
Good Friday
Easter Garden and Stations of the Cross at the church hall
Thanksgiving Service for the life of Lynn Worrell
The funeral of Lynn Worrall will take place on Thursday 22nd February 2pm at Lidlington Chapel followed by a private committal in Lidlington Churchyard.
Lynn was a much loved member of the community and a faithful follower of Jesus, the funeral will be a celebration of her life as well as a goodbye. Please wear bright colours if you would like to.
No flowers please but donations are most welcome. These will be split between Lynn’s two favourite charities, the NEED Project and a South African Charity supporting the very poor and marginalised children which Lynn had family connections to.
The wake will be held in the Church Hall opposite the Chapel. For those travelling who do not know the area the postcode is MK43 0RJ
Please could you let us know if you are likely to attend the funeral for catering purposes. Thank you.
Linda Bulled 07752 677 622 [email protected]
Carols by Candlelight 2023
This Sunday afternoon at 4pm there will be Christmas Fun Nativity led be the tallented Bill Smullen. It is ideal for junior school children and parents but children of all ages are welcome!
Senior Citizens Christmas Tea Party 2023
Thank you to everyone for allowing us to share these photographs
The Connect Tea Party 2023
A fun time was had by all with party games, food and a visit from Santa and his Elf. A great way to start the Christmas season!
Thank you to all those parents who have kindly allowed us to share these photographs.
Lidlington Connect Tea Party
Lidlington Connect welcomes you to its annual Christmas Tea Party on the 9th December from 3.30 - 6 pm. Father Christmas will be visiting at 5.30!
There is no need to book, just turn up. Whilst the event is free you are welcome to purchase raffle tickets.
The FCC Community Action Fund provides grants of between £2,000 and £100,000 to not-for-profit organisations for amenity projects. You have to be within 10 miles of an eligible FCC Environment waste facility to qualify
Have you noticed the recent changes?
Thanks to an
FCC Communities Foundation grant of £2435.71,
over the summer we have been able to:
Replace the misted units in the hall windows.
Tidy the wheelie bin area with new storage units and signage.
Repair the leaking guttering.
Sunday 18 June 2023 The Thanksgiving and Blessing of Oskar Walmsley
This took place at the Great Brickhill Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin. It was a lovely family service led by the Rev John Waller, with members of Lidlington Church and St Mary’s taking part. As well as the resident pianist Andrew from St. Mary’s, Lidlington Church’s worship band, the AJ’s played several modern worship songs.
After the service everyone was invited for lunch at the Parish Hall. Here are a number of members of Lidlington Church enjoying their meal.
Oskar loves Peter Rabbit and God loves Oskar.
Lidlington Helping Hands
The village care scheme Lidlington Helping Hands has been awarded a certificate for the work they do. Started in 2002 and run by the Church, we have a number of very dedicated volunteers who collect prescriptions, do shopping, taking people to doctors and hospital appointments. Virtually all of the work involves driving because people can be very isolated in our village due to the lack of public transport. More volunteers are always welcome. During Covid we run the Lidlington Good Neighbour Scheme which was very successful. The Church worked with the shop delivering phoned in orders, collecting medication and supporting those people shielding. A big thank you to Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity for the Certificate and for all their work in supporting our community.
Live music event in aid of Autism Bedfordshire. Head over to The Green Man Lidlington 29th May between 2pm and 6pm and enjoy music from local artists!
The Easter Day Cross
The beauty of nature symbolising the hope of the resurrection
1 Peter 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
Easter Day
Traditional family breakfast, being together on the most important day of the year!
The Good Friday Cross
The Chains that bind us – the emotions we hold onto which hold us back from the wonderful gift of freedom which only Jesus can give.
Psalm 107;13-16
13 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,and he saved them from their distress.
14 He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.
15 Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind,
16 for he breaks down gates of bronze
and cuts through bars of iron.
Maundy Thursday
The Seder Meal
A Christian celebration of the Passover.
A lovely family meal attended by 37 people and led by Jeff.
Luke 22:15
And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
Daisy Charity
Thank you to everyone who donated to the charity. We had 1 big box, a small box and 3 bags. All the products were small in size so it equated to a large number of items.
Again, thank you very much Linda
Warm Space
The warm space has now closed, it ran twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays from December 2022 to February 2023.
Christmas Hampers
This year we delivered 16 food parcels and festive hampers to our community.
They contained pantry items, festive treats, and fresh ingredients for a roast dinner and cooked breakfast.
Thank you to all who donated goods and funds, and to the Need Project who provided the pantry items .
"Let us not love in word or talk, but in deed"
1 John 3:18