Sign up to make your own Advent Window
Please fill out the form below if you would like to create your own ‘Advent window’. Scroll down to find out more.
What will I have to do?
It’s up to you what your window display looks like. The only requirements are that it has a Christmas theme, is visible from the road, and displays the letter for the challenge (we will send you this in plenty of time)
When will I need to make my display?
The above form lets you choose which week you would prefer. We will then allocate a particular day and check you are happy. You will then need to set it up by 4pm, and turn your lights on between 4-7pm each day until 31st December.
Where will my display be?
It is up to you which window, but must be visible from the road. Otherwise, we will leave the details up to you!
Will you be storing my data from the form?
We will use your contact info to communicate throughout the ‘Advent Windows’ project. We will delete it in January 2022, unless you tick the box for us to hold on to it until next Christmas.