Our leaders
Jeff Bulled
Jeff has been a Church leader for many years. As well as being a full Church leader he is also a member of the worship team.
Jeff loves praising Jesus with his music and his organisation skills bring a balanced dynamic to the team.
Tracy Carter
I was born in Zimbabwe and moved to South Africa at the age of 15. Philip and I married in 1993 and we have one Christian married daughter.
In 2020 amid Covid, we all emigrated to England and Philip and l found ourselves buying a house in Lidlington in 2021.
I became a Christian at age of 15 but only got baptised in 2007 after a hard spiritual journey.
My favourite scripture is Micah 6:8. He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Neil Hiscocks
Neil has been married to Sian for 40 years. They share 3 children and two adorable grandchildren.
Neil is known for his cheeky sense of humour, but is also able to bring a sense of calm and wisdom to every situation.
Tim Mason Treasurer
Tim is treasurer at Lidlington Church. He has been involved with helping the Church from the beginning including a role in drafting the constitution. Currently, his skills learnt from running his own business keep the Church in good financial order.
Linda Bulled Safeguarding Officer
Linda has been involved with Lidlington Church for many years in many roles. Her extensive experience working with children and adults services supports her knowledge of safeguarding.
As a local ecumenical partnership we are linked to leaders in the Methodist Church and the Church of England
Methodist Minister - Rev. Silas Wood
I have moved here from Shrewsbury with my wife Sue and our dog Izzy. I enjoy leading worship and believe that social justice, equality and inclusion are at the heart of a Christian life. My favourite verse is Micah 6:8* - so much so I have it as a tattoo. I also enjoy cycling, badminton, photography and reading.
* Micah 6:8 - He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01525 571392
We are part of the North Bedfordshire Methodist Circuit. You can find out more at: www.northbedsmethodist.org.uk